Navigate to Settings > Private Fleet > Vehicle Tab
Creating Vehicles in Private Fleet Step 1. Select your fleet from the drop-down menu. Then click the Add Vehicle button.
Step 2. Complete the Vehicle Details.
Vehicle Type - Choose the mode of transportation. Choices include pedestrian, bicycle, scooter/motorbike, car, van/truck.
Vehicle ID - Enter a unique alphanumeric ID for the vehicle. This is a mandatory field.
Vehicle Information - Include the year, make, and model of your vehicle.
License Plate - Enter the license plate number for the vehicle.
Color - Enter the vehicle's color.
Capacity - Enter the capacity that the vehicle can safely carry.
Step 3. Click the Show button to view Route Optimization Details.
Note: Values here will be used as Constraints and Parameters for the Route Optimization engine when generating optimal routes.
Step 4. It is optional to include Route Optimization Details. Additionally, from the list below, you can also add parameters below to the Route Optimization Details.
Allowed Max Orders - The maximum orders the vehicle can carry.
Allowed Max Weight - The maximum weight (pounds) the vehicle can carry.
Allowed Max Volume - The maximum volume (inches cubed) the vehicle can hold.
Duration - Configure vehicle costs per duration, including additional expenses.
Distance - Configure vehicle costs per distance, including additional expenses.
CO2 Emission - The measure of emissions (kilotons) the vehicle puts out.
Allowed Max Duration - The maximum amount of time (minutes) the vehicle should travel.
Allowed Max Distance - The maximum amount of distance (miles) the vehicle can travel.
Route Start Point - Enter the address or coordinates of the starting location of the route.
Route End Point - Enter the address or coordinates of the destination of the route.
Learn how to use Route Optimization in Orchestration here.
Step 6. Click the Save button to finalize all changes.