The Returns Summary Analytics Report offers valuable insights to help businesses analyze various aspects of their returns process, including the volume of returns initiated or canceled, the number of items exchanged, and provider cost per return.
Navigate to Analytics > Advanced Analytics > Right Arrow > Returns Summary
Returns Summary Page:
Total Returns - The number of returns the graphs feature, based on filters selected
Value of Returns Completed - The total monetary value of completed returns
Total Exchanges - The total number of items exchanged by customers
Total Cancelled Returns - The total number of canceled returns
Average Provider Cost per Return - The average cost of a return, based on the provider
Return Volume over time - The total volume of returns, depicted on a graph, based on a selected date
% of Returns - The percentage of returns by return reason, return method, and refund method
% of Returns by Top 5 - The percentage of returns by Top 5 returned SKUs and product categories
% of Returns by Top 5 Locations - The percentage of returns by Top 5 locations
Fields & Controls
Time Filters - Filter orders by Year, Quarter, Month, or Customer Date Range
Order Filters - Filter orders by Order Type, State, City, or Return Location
Provider - Filter orders by Delivery Service Provider used
Hovering over any of the filters will make a pop-up box appear with the following options:
Filters on Visual - Shows filters that affect the filter you are hovering over.
Focus Mode - Shows data in an isolated view of the filter or graph selected. Use the Back to Report button to return to the original layout.
More Options - A drop-down menu with additional options
Export Data - Export Data from the report.
Show As a Table - View data from the filter or graph in table format.
Spotlight - Grays out everything except the specific filter or graph being viewed.
Get insights -
Sort axis - Sort data in ascending or descending order. Flip the axis for a different view.