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How to Submit a Ticket through the Help Center
Step 1. Click on the avatar to the right of the Delivery Solutions Logo and magnifying glass.
Step 2. Click the Requests button.
Step 3. Click the Submit a Request button.
Step 4. Complete the following fields:
CC - Add emails that need to be copied or have visibility on the ticket.
Subject - A brief line about the request.
Description - Enter the details of the request. Include any pertinent information that will help the support team better assist you.
*Note* - Related articles published in the Help Center will be suggested as you type out the subject line of the request.
This content may answer or resolve your request without the use of a ticket submission.
Step 5. Use the drop-down menu to select the Type of request being submitted.
Question - A general inquiry that would need to be answered by a Delivery Solutions Support member.
Incident - A broader scale of failures in a particular area; like all orders failing for a customer, an outage making the Delivery Solutions platform inaccessible, widespread issues across multiple stores, etc.
Problem - Something is not working quite right; whether with the Delivery Solutions platform, a provider, or even an order that is failing.
Task - An action that needs to be completed within a given time frame.
Step 6. Add an attachment by clicking "Add file" or by dropping the file in the Attachments box. The attachment will appear below once it finishes uploading.
Step 7. Click the Submit button to submit your ticket.
Once the ticket has been created there will be a confirmation notice at the top right of the screen.
The page will show the subject, when the ticket was submitted, and the ticket number at the top of the screen. Below that is the description of the request and attachments included in the gray box. To the right is the ticket status, type, and priority, along with a copy of the attachments.
Below that is where emails can be copied, comments can be added, and additional files can be attached. Click the Submit button to add comments to the ticket.